Saturday, September 20, 2008

Munster Flood Series, September 14, 2008 Video #2 - During da Bears!

Video #2

It's raining a bit harder, but the River has not overflowed it's banks on the block yet, though the levees were breached all around. Mark, my parent's next door neighbor neighbor was standing in front of our house with my Dad.

istening to the South Chicago Dialect of my family, friends and well I guess I sound this way too, is amusing even in times like these.

In the midst of a disaster in the making, "da Bears" is still important.

My father and Mark, actually may have had a clue how devastating things would eventually
become and now I believe that is why my father decided to not come to my parents and placed himself conveniently "stuck" in the house.

Mark "I can't believe this sh*t. Unreal.......... You watchin' da Bears?
My Dad "Yeah"
Mark "Is it 17-3 still?
My Dad "6"

A neighbor across the street screams they should get a boat and then said again, the neighbors should pitch in to buy a boat.

You can see the water rising and getting closer.

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